Monday, August 17, 2009

Herbert To Focus On Utah Businesses For Economic Development

By Tom Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturers Association

As hinted in his inaugural address, Governor Gary Herbert will change the focus of economic development on growing existing companies in Utah rather than the past emphasis on attracting new companies to the Beehive State.

In an interview with the Salt Lake Tribune, Herbert said, "….we need to have an emphasis on the businesses that are already here and our own people. It seems like we've kind of got that backwards sometimes in the past in thinking we'll spend all of our time and resources in trying to attract people from outside the state into Utah. “

UMA has been advocating for a stronger emphasis on helping grow existing business and industry in Utah, but have had limited success in moving the administration in that direction. As important as attracting new business to Utah is, growing companies already established and operating gives the Utah economy a much quicker and more effective boost.

This is great news for manufacturers in Utah. I hope we can find a way to shore up struggling manufacturers in Utah and give them the boost they need to continue to support of economy with jobs, taxes and the goods they produce.

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