Friday, August 21, 2009

Natural Resources Interim Questions Bottle Tax For State Parks

Posted by Thomas E. Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturers Association – August 21, 2009

In an abbreviated discussion of a proposal by the Friends of State Parks to impose a “bottle deposit tax” on all aluminum and plastic beverage containers sold in Utah, lawmakers said, “we really do not have enough information here to know what you are asking us to do”.

The friends group lead by Dan McConkie, former Davis County Commissioner, are proposing to impose a six cent redeemable deposit on beverage containers. All but one cent would be redeemable at newly-established government run redemption centers across the state to collect the bottles and pay citizens the deposit. Under the ill-advised plan, the proceeds would be split between local governments and State Parks to maintain and develop the forty two State Parks in Utah.

Proponents of the plan have not even talked with stakeholders about this plan before taking it to the legislative committee. The most impacted parties by this proposal would be the manufacturers, in this case the soft drink bottlers. UMA was at the hearing to oppose this proposal, but did agree to meet with proponents to discuss further their plan. Such activities in other states have not been successful and in fact have destroyed existing curbside recycling programs. A meeting has been set for September 4 to discuss the matter with the stakeholders. Friends of State Parks have vowed to bring it back to the legislature for additional consideration, but not before seeking consensus with stakeholders.

Maybe part of the problem is Utah has purchased too many State Parks for what they can afford to develop and maintain. Maybe the State should sell some of the forty two parks and put the proceeds in a trust funds to maintain the remaining parks.

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