Friday, August 28, 2009

Utah Manufacturing "Snapshot" Survey - Round 2

To All Utah Manufacturers:

The Manufacturing Extension Partnership, Utah Manufacturers Association, and the Governor's Office of Economic Development are asking for your help in developing a "real-time" snapshot of the economic conditions of Utah manufacturers.

Roughly 6 months ago, we sent out an anonymous survey to get a better feel for how the economy was effecting Utah's manufacturers. Based upon the data provided to us, roundtable discussions were held in 9 key areas of the state. We are using the information shared in these discussions to better understand and address the needs of Utah's manufacturing industry.

As a next step, we are re-running the survey so that current responses can be compared to those received earlier in the year. While we have added 2 questions in this round, the survey is still very short and simple to complete. Also, like our last survey, all of our participants will remain anonymous.

We appreciate your willingness to share thisinformation. It helps us in our service of the manufacturing community and, by extension, Utah's economy.

You may have received this survey request more than once because we are sending this e-mail through all four sponsors. Please answer only once. We do, however, welcome responses from more than one person in a company.

We strongly encourage your participation in this survey, as it is an opportunity to voice your ideas, concerns, suggestions, etc. in an environment of your peers.

Please click the link below to take the survey.

Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your feedback is extremely valuable in helping us serve Utah's manufacturing industry, and helps shed more light on the issues facing the manufacturing industry today.

MEP Utah

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