Friday, September 25, 2009

Conservatives Take Aim At Obama's Pick For OSHA Chief

September 25, 2009

In the "Greenwire" blog on the New York Times (9/25) website, Sara Goodman writes, "Conservative pundits and activists are taking aim at President Obama's pick to head the Occupational Safety and Health Administration for his writings about the dangers of various pollutants and hazardous materials." Obama nominated "David Michaels, an epidemiologist and former Energy Department official, to direct the Labor Department agency that enforces workplace safety and health legislation." Of particular concern are "some of Michaels' writings, including a 2008 book he wrote called 'Doubt is Their Product,' in which he describes how some corporations skew the scientific debate about the dangers of various pollutants and hazardous materials." Hank Cox, a spokesman for the NAM, said "his group would be sending HELP Committee members a letter urging them to hold a public hearing to discuss his background." Cox said, "We're not opposed to his nomination, but...some of the things he's said gives us concern that he might have an adversarial attitude toward manufacturers."

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