Tuesday, September 29, 2009


September 28, 2009
Employers Council

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has just issued the following two new publications with guidance on the federal contractor E-Verify rules that became effective on September 8, 2009:
"E-Verify Supplemental Guide For Federal Contractors": click here
• This guide includes an overview; instructions for enrollment, and for verifying both new and existing employees; discussions of exemptions, exceptions, and qualifying contracts; etc.
"E-Verify User Manual For Federal Contractors (M-574)": click here
The rules require covered federal contractors and subcontractors to use E-Verify to verify the work authorization of all persons hired to work in the U.S. during the contract term, as well as all persons assigned by the contractor to perform work within the U.S. on the contract. Additional USCIS E-Verify resources include:
• Information for Federal Contractors site: click here
• This site has links to other USCIS sites with information such as Federal Contractors and E-Verify
FAQs: click here and Memorandum of Understanding: click here
• E-Verify Program home page: click here
"E-Verify User Manual For Employers": click here
• E-Verify Quick Reference Guide for Employers: click here
• E-Verify Top Five Questions: click here
• More E-Verify FAQs: click here
• Sign Up for a Webinar: click here
• How Do I Use E-Verify?: click here
• E-Verify Program Highlights: click here
• E-Verify Registration: click here

Note: Utah law requires a "contractor" (including a subcontractor, contract employee, staffing agency, trade union, or any contractor regardless of its tier) with Utah state contracts entered into on or after July 1, 2009, to use a Status Verification System such as E-Verify to verify that new employees employed in the state are authorized to work in the U.S.


  1. It's unfortunate that we have to maintain this relentless bombardment of our lawmakers in Washington. I almost cannot believe we have actually sustained several victories against the rich, powerful and the open border denizens? We have gained major headway in implementing E-Verify, the illegal immigrant worker extractor? But we cannot stop calling the Senators and representatives at 202-224-3121 and emphasizing the--THE AMERICAN WORKERS COMES FIRST. Demand they not table, but to install E-Verification on a permanent basis. If we release the strangle hold on those who influence our economic future, they will find a way to contain the program?

    Sen. David Vitter offered an amendment that prevents any further delays in the implementation of the Social Security Administration’s No-Match-letter program. Sen. Jeff Sessions offered an amendment that requires all federal contractors to use E-Verify and a permanent re-authorization of the application. All American workers must keep an eye on Sen. Harry Reid, Speaker Pelosi, and HS chief Napolitano as they--WILL--make the effort to squash or weaken immigration laws and today might conspire to cut funding for E-Verify as of September 30?
    In a move to block Sen. Sessions’ E-Verify amendment, the Senate leadership tried to table the amendment, but the motion failed and was later passed.

    This is an outstanding win for 10 million jobless Americans whom are suffering? We are finally harnessing the Special Interest lobby as they are raving mad. Congratulations go out to these politicians, who are fighting a perpetual battle against the massive corporate welfare program, called illegal immigration, which taxpayers have always supported. Our phone calls should not stop until E-Verify is fully funded, in-perpetuity? 287 G must continue, which will give our police the training to question people of their immigration status. ICE raids must be reinstated on all suspicious businesses. Last, but not least the Immigration Reform and Control Act must be enforced, not undermined so they can heave at us another path to citizenship. We cannot support another BLANKET AMNESTY. The last one was Mickey Mouse and driven by unparalleled fraud. Three websites have the raw ingredients of the undisclosed cost and other information at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & for OVERPOPULATION statistics CAPSWEB.

  2. I am not sure how to click through as there are no embedded links in the post.

    But, as you can see, there is lots of info on E-Verify. It does take a great deal of time. As a business owner, I do not have the time to sift through all of this and stay up to date on the latest rules and regulations and neither do my people. This is why we work with an outside company - Legal Employer - who handles this all for us and allows us to focus on what we know best - our business
