Friday, October 2, 2009

Biz Leaders Say ‘No Thanks’ To Health Reform

September 28, 2009 by Jim Giuliano
Posted in:
Special Report

If Congress and President Obama are looking to employers for support for the latest healthcare bill, the best advice may be, “Look elsewhere.”

A recent survey of 160 employers revealed that most of the bosses believe healthcare reform will lead to higher healthcare costs and a weakening of control over how employers provide coverage to workers.

Here are the numbers from the survey, conducted by business consultant Watson Wyatt:

  • 73% believe healthcare costs will increase if current reform legislation is enacted.
  • 86% think the legislation would weaken the role and control of employer-sponsored plans.
  • Only 29% would support a tax on high-income employees with high-cost plans as a way to fund health reform.
  • Only 19% would support a tax on insurers of high-cost plans.
  • Only 11% would support taxing employer contributions to health care as income.
  • Only 10% would support a mandate for employers to provide coverage.
  • 50% would support a mandate for workers to carry coverage.

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