Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boxer: Climate Bill Ready For Debate

October 14, 2009

Politico reports that Senate Environment and Public Works committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer said Tuesday that the "Senate climate change bill is written and ready to be debated" before the committee, and that "it will mirror cap and trade legislation passed by the House in late June with, she noted, 'a few tweaks.'" Said Boxer, "Our bill will reflect the priorities of our committee...Once it gets out of the committee it will be taken up by the whole body and people will be speaking to Senator Reid for what they want." However, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus "also plans to draft legislation dealing with the pollution allowances." Of which Boxer said, "My position is that's great, he should do that as well...At the end of the day this should be a collaborative process."

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