Friday, October 2, 2009

Health Care Update

October 1, 2009

At press time, the Senate Finance Committee was expected to finish the amendment process on the America's Healthy Future Act this week. On September 29, the Committee rejected two “public option” amendments, but the issue is likely to be reconsidered on the floor. The Finance Committee bill includes many provisions supported by the NAM, including those that maintain flexibility for self-insured plans and focus on wellness. However, we still have substantial concerns about a new tax on insurance plans as well as excise taxes that will be imposed on medical device manufacturers. Once approved, the Finance Committee bill will need to be merged with the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee's bill, which was approved this summer. Floor action could begin the week of October 12. The NAM continues to urge legislators to support policies that reduce costs for manufacturers and their employees while improving access to quality care. Details: Jeri G. Kubicki, (202) 637-3127; Dena Battle, (202) 637-3079.

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