Monday, October 5, 2009

Obstacles Remain In Global Climate Talks

October 5, 2009

The Washington Post reports that Kyoto's legacy – "including the decision to exclude major developing countries from the agreement, the failure of the United States to ratify it and the fact that many of its signatories have missed their emissions targets" – reminds those participating in negotiations towards a new global climate agreement that "any deal struck two months from now in Copenhagen will at best signal the start of a new global approach to tackling climate change, rather than its successful conclusion." And, Melinda Kimble, senior vice president of the UN Foundation and a lead negotiator for the State Department when Kyoto was forged, added, "If we have any kind of international agreement in Copenhagen, there will have to be some accommodation of American political realities, but you have to meet a number of political realities on the other side." The difficulties facing negotiators have them considering "abandoning the Kyoto agreement for a completely new structure."

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