Tuesday, October 20, 2009

White House Advisors Noncommittal On Details Of Healthcare Legislation

October 19, 2009

Senior White House advisors appeared on yesterday's political shows, and their comments on the healthcare debate generated extensive media coverage. On healthcare, the White House declined to be pinned down on definite positions on any of the key issues surrounding the debate. The AP says that judging from the advisors' remarks, "the White House will not commit to health care legislation that would cap insurance premiums or tax benefits, taking a wait-and-see approach as congressional negotiators seek a deal." For example, "President Barack Obama will not demand that a final bill include a government-run plan as a way of driving down costs through competition, though that's his preference." David Axelrod, who appeared on ABC's "This Week," was described as "noncommittal," while White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said on CNN "State of the Union" that Obama "will obviously weigh in when it's important to weigh in" on the public option.

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