Friday, January 15, 2010

Posts for January 15, 2010

January 15, 2010 -- Jeri G. Kubicki - Vice President, Human Resources Policy - NAM

State of Play

The new year has brought a renewed public focus on jobs, our struggling economy and national security. This is a welcome change for Democrats and the Administration, who have witnessed a continuous decline in public opinion for their handling of health reform. Health reform negotiations among House and Senate leadership and the Administration are very much on the front burner, however. Issues remain to be resolved and discussions could spill into February – likely after the President’s State of the Union address – which was once deemed a critical deadline for passing a final health bill.

Despite the timeline, the Administration claimed a significant victory was reached this week by striking a deal with labor leaders who are staunchly against the “Cadillac” plan tax in the Senate bill to gain their support of a final health bill. Employer groups, including the NAM, continue to push our message of urging Congress to enact the right reform and to heed caution when extending onerous tax provisions that penalize employer health plans and the employees that benefit from them.


While the Senate doesn’t officially convene until next week, it’s clear that key players such as Sen. Lieberman (I-CT) and Sen. Nelson (D-NE) are among the few working this week with the Administration and House leadership on developing final bill language.

On the political side, current polls regarding the special election for late Sen. Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts are favoring the Republican candidate -- leaving many to relish the irony that the 60-vote Democratic majority could fall, possibly causing the downfall of health care. However, with the legislature and the Governor’s office in Massachusetts controlled by Democrats, the certification of the election will likely be a slow process to allow more time for passage of the final health bill.


At press time, House leaders reported that after many evenings in the White House, a deal on final bill language has been hashed out and will “soon” be sent for the Congressional Budget Office to score. House leaders are resistant to admit they simply “accepted” the Senate-passed health bill (or something very close). To keep the process moving forward, Speaker Pelosi is selling the “deal” recently reached as a new bill. Democrats are eager to put health care behind them -- as indicated by the focus on a domestic jobs agenda during this week’s Democratic retreat. Getting health care off the agenda is a key point for many vulnerable Democrats who see their re-election chances worsening if the debate drags on.

ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference
March 12, 2010

January 15, 2010

ACG is inviting Utah Manufacturers Association members to join them for their 2010 Growth Conference. You may want to consider if you can benefit for attending.

2010 will be pivotal for small- to medium-sized companies -- a transitional year for growth, acquisition, expansion and more -- a time to capitalize on opportunities and gain competitive advantages in the new economy. As such, the ACG Utah Growth Conference will provide executives with an unsurpassed breadth and depth of information, contacts and context to help them successfully transition their companies through 2010 and beyond.

The ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference is a rare opportunity for business owners, executives, development officers, intermediaries and service providers in Utah to network, to learn about how to maximize growth opportunities and to meet with the principals of over 30 Utah-focused private equity groups and mezzanine lenders representing billions of dollars of growth and buyout capital.

Join us on March 12, 2010, for the ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference and Capital Connection. You won't want to miss out! Keynote speakers include Gordon Chiesa, Director, Pro Personnel for the Memphis Grizzlies as he relates his unique perspective on leadership and success.

Programs include the following interactive and engaging discussions:
The Corporate Perspective: M&A Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - corporate executives examine their own merger and acquisition experiences and share lessons learned along the way to help provide guidelines for organizations considering the M&A path.

Private Capital: 2010 and Beyond - the rules for private equity investments have changed substantially in the past 24 months. Join us as we explore the new parameters Private Equity Groups utilize when examining investment candidates.

Organic Growth through Innovation - growing into a medium-sized business places new stresses on organizations. Companies are finding innovative ways existing (and new) resources - operations, marketing, sales, HR, finance and legal - can be deployed to take advantage of such opportunities.

2010: The Economy in Transition - as we leave the Great Recession behind us, this panel of economists will discuss both the opportunities and challenges that await businesses in the years ahead.

The ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference and Capital Connection will be held at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City on Friday, March 12, 2010. Register today or find more information by visiting our website at, or contacting ACG Utah at 801.359.8613.

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