Sunday, January 17, 2010

UMA Legislative Committee to begin meeting January 18

Beginning January 18, 2010 at 8:00 a.m. the Utah Manufacturers Association Legislative Committee together with the Utah Mining Association will start the committee meetings for the 2010 General Session of the Utah Legislature. The joint committee, chaired by Greg Fredde from Manufacturers and David Bird from Mining, will meet weekly throughout the session at the same time and location.

The meeting will be held at Parsons, Behle & Latimer, 201 South Main, on the 18th floor. Parking validation is available. The parking entrance is on 200 South between Main and State heading east.

As a member of the Utah Manufacturers Association’s Legislative Committee you are invited and encouraged to attend and lend your expertise to the process. We will have a list of numbered bills as of the date of the meeting for your consideration. Assignments will be made to begin reviewing bills and reporting back to the committee. We look forward to seeing you there throughout the 2010 session.If you have questions, please let us know.

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