Friday, February 26, 2010

Posts for February 26, 2010


February 26, 2010 – UMA

Former UMA chairman Rick Trayner, General Manager at Packaging Corporation of America, this week, submitted this resignation from the UMA Board of Directors as recent past president. In a written statement to UMA President Tom Bingham Trayner said: “It is with mixed emotions that I announce my departure as the GM of the PCA SLC plants. Effective March 22, 2010, Thom Portz will be the new General Manager for the PCA SLC Operations. Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and your organizations over the past five years, and for some of you I have enjoyed knowing and working with for almost 15 years. It has been a great ride in SLC and I thank all of you for your support and partnership through the years. Thanks again and I wish you the best.”

Thom Portz has been with PCA for over 20 years and most recently the GM of PCA's Jacksonville, FL, plant.
UMA thanks Rick for his many years of dedicated service to UMA and for his leadership as its chairman in 2009. We wish him the best in his new assignment with PCA in Texas.


February 26, 2010 – NAM Capital Brief

This week's economic reports revealed some troublesome trends. Consumer confidence declined in February to its lowest level in 10 months. While new orders for durable manufactured products rose in January, the increase was mainly due to a sharp uptick in volatile civilian aircraft orders. Outside of transportation, new orders fell by 0.6 percent last month after two months of solid growth. Finally, initial jobless claims for the week ending February 20 surged to a 14-week high, though part of the increase was due to a backlog in processing jobless applications during recent snowstorms throughout the Northeast.


February 26, 2010 – NAM Capital Brief

President Obama, in anticipation of the bipartisan health care summit, unveiled a legislative proposal on February 22 very similar in nature to the 2009 Senate-passed bill. Reacting to the proposal, NAM President John Engler noted that the President's plan “includes hundreds of billions in new taxes and fees but does nothing to contain costs for America's manufacturers and job creators.”
Meanwhile, on the eve of the President's summit on broad-based reform, the House adopted a piecemeal approach, passing H.R. 4626, legislation that would repeal the antitrust exemption for insurance companies. The legislation represents the first of a series of small health care bills that could see action this spring. Rumors continue to abound, however, that congressional leaders this spring will use the budget “reconciliation” process – which requires a simple majority rather than a 60-vote majority in the Senate – to pass many of its health-care priorities.


February 26, 2010 - GOED

"House Concurrent Resolution 1 on International Trade and State Government" is a resolution that is currently being processed through the state legislature, and is an important declaration to Congress from Utah. Due to a slew of bureaucratic hoops and a lack of clearly defined institutional trade policy structure and resources, states are being left out of the loop on many relevant U.S. trade issues that affect state rights. Continue the article at this link


February 26, 2010 – NAM Capital Brief

Leading a broad coalition of business groups, the NAM on February 16 filed a petition in a U.S. appeals court challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) process in which it finds that greenhouse gas emissions justify an endangerment finding under the Clean Air Act. This litigation is focused on the EPA's process, not the quality of the underlying science upon which the agency relied. “If EPA moves forward and begins regulating stationary sources, it will open the door for them to regulate everything from industrial facilities to farms to even American homes,” says NAM President John Engler. “Such a move would further complicate a permitting process that EPA is not equipped to handle, while increasing costs to the manufacturing sector.”
Click this link to view the NAM's press release on the petition. In related news, Senate floor action on Sen. Lisa Murkowski's (R-AK) proposal, S.J. Res. 26, to block EPA action on its endangerment finding could occur in the coming weeks.


February 26, 2010 – NAM Capital Brief

On January 29, OSHA proposed changes to its recordkeeping rules that would add a new column to the OSHA 300 logs and require employers to track “work-related” musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). We are concerned that this seemingly innocuous proposal will enable the agency to continue efforts to develop an ergonomics standard in some form. The NAM is leading the employer community's effort to respond to this proposal.
The proposed rule could place a large burden on employers, who would be required to determine which MSDs are and are not “workplace related.” The full details of OSHA's proposal are available at . The public has until March 15 to submit comments; however the NAM has requested an extension.


February 26, 2010 – NAM Capital Briefing

By a vote of 70-28, the Senate on February 24 approved the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment Act. Key provisions in the Senate bill would: temporarily suspend payroll taxes for certain new hires; provide more generous expensing for some businesses; expand the Build America Bonds program; extend the current surface transportation authorization for one year (through December 31, 2010); and transfer $19.5 billion from the general fund to the Highway Trust Fund. Unfortunately, the bill does not go far enough and does not include key incentives that will help spur growth and economic activity, says NAM President John Engler. Click this link to view his statement on the Senate bill.


February 26, 2010 - GOED

December was Utah’s largest single export month on record. The International Trade and Diplomacy Office (ITDO) of the Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) is pleased with its 2009 year-end commodity export figures as announced by the U.S. Department of Commerce. Utah companies exported over $10.3 billion in 2009 which equaled their export dollars from 2008. The economic challenges of the past year saw double digit export decreases nationally. Some western states were down 24-54 percent. The average loss for all states was 19.5 percent, with 12 states declining more than 25 percent. Continue the article at this link

ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference

Friday March 12, 2010
Sign up today - Early bird registration expires March 1!
2010 will be pivotal for small- to medium-sized companies -- a transitional year for growth, acquisition, expansion and more -- a time to capitalize on opportunities and gain competitive advantages in the new economy. As such, the ACG Utah Growth Conference will provide executives with an unsurpassed breadth and depth of information, contacts and context to help them successfully transition their companies through 2010 and beyond.

The ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference is a rare opportunity for business owners, executives, development officers, intermediaries and service providers in Utah to network, to learn about how to maximize growth opportunities and to meet with the principals of over 30 Utah-focused private equity groups and mezzanine lenders representing billions of dollars of growth and buyout capital.

Join us on March 12, 2010, for the ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference and Capital Connection. You won't want to miss out! Keynote speakers include Michael O. Leavitt, Former Secretary of Health and Human Services, who brings unique insight to the current health care discussion and its impact on the corporate community, and Gordon Chiesa, Director, Pro Personnel for the Memphis Grizzlies as he relates his unique perspective on leadership and success.

Programs include the following interactive and engaging discussions:
  • The Corporate Perspective: M&A Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow - corporate executives examine their own merger and acquisition experiences and share lessons learned along the way to help provide guidelines for organizations considering the M&A path.
  • Private Capital: 2010 and Beyond - the rules for private equity investments have changed substantially in the past 24 months. Join us as we explore the new parameters Private Equity Groups utilize when examining investment candidates.
    Organic Growth through Innovation - growing into a medium-sized business places new stresses on organizations. Companies are finding innovative ways existing (and new) resources - operations, marketing, sales, HR, finance and legal - can be deployed to take advantage of such opportunities.
  • 2010: The Economy in Transition - as we leave the Great Recession behind us, this panel of economists will discuss both the opportunities and challenges that await businesses in the years ahead.


ACG Utah/ACG New York 2nd Annual Dealmakers Ski & Board Conference

Saturday-Monday, March 13-15, 2010

Park City Mountain Resort Park City, Utah

PLAN TO ATTEND! There's no better place to gain a new perspective on the climate for dealmaking than Park City, Utah as it plays host to the 2nd Annual ACG Dealmakers Ski & Board Conference. From riding the chairlifts with movers and shakers to hurtling down terrain with some of the brightest minds in business, you'll network with an astounding combination of people you always wanted to meet and need to connect with. It's guaranteed to be three exhilarating days on the slopes maximizing connections, making deals and finding new directions for business growth.For further information click here!

The ACG Utah 2010 Growth Conference and Capital Connection will be held at the Grand America Hotel in Salt Lake City on Friday, March 12, 2010. Register today or find more information by visiting our website at, or contacting ACG Utah at 801.359.8613.

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