Thursday, July 22, 2010

Posts for July 22, 2010


July 22, 2010 – Daily Pulse

As a result of its water-wise landscaping and xeriscpaing, USANA is proud to announce that it has been recognized with a 2010 West Valley City Clean and Beautiful Award.
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July 22, 2010 – Utah Business

Moroni Feed Company a leading provider of turkey and turkey products recently announced the release of two new products under its Norbest brand. Sanpete style Marinated Turkey Fillets are made from sliced turkey breast and pre-basted in a savory marinade; a Sanpete Valley recipe which has been passed down and perfected for generations. These fillets are perfect for backyard barbequing or suitable for oven broiling as well.
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July 22, 2010 – ExecWatch

How does your state rank in this list?

Click here to visit the Best/Worst States 2010 Resource Center
More than 600 CEOs rated states on a wide range of criteria from taxation and regulation to workforce quality and living environment, in our sixth annual special report. In Chief Executive's annual survey of best and worst states for business, conducted in late January of this year, 651 CEOs across the U.S. again gave Texas top honors, closely followed by North Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia. They gave the booby prize for worst state to California, with New York, Michigan, New Jersey and Massachusetts filling out the bottom five-a line-up virtually unchanged from last year. Florida and Georgia each dropped three places in the ranking, but remain in the top 10. Utah jumped six positions this year to sneak into the top 10 at No. 9. The business leaders were asked to draw upon their direct experience to rate each state in three general categories: taxation and regulation, quality of workforce and living environment. Within each category respondents graded states in five subcategories, as well as... Read the article

July 22, 2010 – Today in
Sharp increase comes after claims fell to their lowest level since August 2008, but much of that drop was driven by temporary seasonal factors and not an improving job market... continue

July 22, 2010 - ExecWatch

A potential change in tax law represents a change in fundamental thinking.

The IRS targets independent contractors - If you are a small business who hires contractors you want to know about this IRS audit plan.

Companies fear the proposed rule will trigger more audits. If you’re reading this article sitting down-the position we all hold more than any other, for an average of 8.9 hours a day-stop and take stock of how your body feels. Is there an ache in your lower back? A light numbness in your rear and lower thigh? Are you feeling a little down? These symptoms are all normal, and they’re not good. They may well be caused by doing precisely what you’re doing-sitting. New research in the diverse fields of epidemiology, molecular biology, biomechanics, and physiology is converging toward a startling conclusion:... Read the article

Miscellaneous Tariff Bill

July 21, 2010 – National Association of Manufacturers

This afternoon, the House of Representatives passed the Miscellaneous Tariff Bill (MTB) in the U.S. Manufacturing Enhancement Act (H.R. 4380) by a vote of 378 to 43. This has been the National Association of Manufacturers’ (NAM) highest short-term trade priority.

The NAM led the effort to gain bipartisan support for the MTB. We were relentless in our outreach to the Hill and our key vote letter demonstrated the importance of this issue to manufacturers. Our message has been consistent: the MTB is one of the most important short-term actions Congress can take to preserve and expand good American jobs, cut the costs of doing business in the United States and boost American manufacturing exports. U.S. manufacturers large and small use the MTB's tariff suspension provisions to obtain raw materials, proprietary inputs and other products that are not available in the United States.

Last night, I met with House Ways and Means Ranking Member Camp (R-MI) and reiterated the Manufacturers’ position. We’ve also met with Majority Leader Hoyer (D-MD), Minority Leader Boehner (R-OH), Minority Whip Cantor (R-VA), Reps. Lee (R-NY), Levin (D-MI), Olson (R-TX), Tanner (D-TN) and many others. We have also met with the members from the Blue Dog Coalition, New Democrats, and Republican Study Committee.

The MTB will increase U.S. production by $4.6 billion and support almost 90,000 jobs. Cost savings realized under the MTB will allow manufacturers to invest in new facilities, create jobs and compete in the global economy.

Today’s action is a huge victory for manufacturers in the United States and we appreciate Congress’ support of American manufacturing jobs. We will urge the Senate to move quickly and pass the MTB.

John Engler
President and CEO

Second Report on Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises Shows Trade Benefits, Identifies Key Export Barriers
July 22, 2010 – Global Utah Weekly
United States Trade Representative Ron Kirk said today that the new report from the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) identifies top export barriers reported by U.S. small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and highlights the benefits of U.S. trade agreements to American small businesses. The report found that U.S. SMEs account for a smaller share of U.S. manufactured goods exports than SMEs in the European Union (EU), reflecting the relatively larger economic role of SMEs in the EU. Kirk requested this study from the ITC in 2009 to help guide our trade policy activities to boost American SME exports.
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