Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Posts for August 4, 2010

August 4, 2010 - NAM

Today’s Washington Post headline blared: “Democrats turn to manufacturing for jobs.”
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said, “We know manufacturing produces good jobs, high-paying jobs. We (the Democrats) have committed ourselves to a long-term agenda aimed at enhancing the manufacturing capabilities in America.”

There is a reason Democrats – and Republicans – are talking about the importance of a strong manufacturing sector to sustain economic growth and job creation. It’s because our voices are being heard.

Note: UMA is working on a plan to reach out to all the Utah delegation while they are in recess to ensure they support the NAM’s “Manufacturing Strategy for Jobs and a Competitive America.” Watch for further details.

August 4, 2010 – UB Daily

Utah has moved up in many key categories in one of the nation’s top economic development publications, ranking high in everything from quality of life to tax structure. The annual Rankings Report by Business Facilities magazine, released Monday, is yet another sign that Governor Herbert’s economic development plan is headed in the right direction. “Across all of our key rankings categories, Utah clearly exhibited the most dramatic improvement of any state in the nation,” said Jack Rogers, Business Facilities’ editor in chief.
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August 4, 2010 – Today in
Medical device makers would have to submit more safety info to win federal approval under proposal to tighten regulation of thousands of products reviewed each year ... continue

August 4, 2010 - AP

According to an AP report today, "Factory orders fell in June for the second straight month due to lower demand for steel, construction machinery and aircraft." Quoting the Commerce Department's numbers released Tuesday, AP writes, "factory orders dropped by 1.2 percent to a seasonally adjusted $406.4 billion. Analysts expected a much smaller drop.

May's decline was revised to a steeper decrease of 1.8 percent. It was initially reported as a 1.4 percent drop." The AP further notes, "The two months of declines follow nine straight months of increases, as manufacturers ramped up production last fall and helped the US economy grow after four quarters of contraction."

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