Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Posts for December 21, 2010

National Association of Manufacturers

It is with regret and a deep sense of appreciation that I announce today the departure of John Engler as president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). John is leaving the NAM to become president of the Business Roundtable (BRT) starting January 15, 2011.

In his six years at the NAM, John has had a tremendous impact on the Association. He strengthened the organization and achieved major legislative victories in Washington. Under John Engler's leadership, the NAM has enjoyed unprecedented growth in influence and membership. 2010 was the NAM's strongest year financially and the Manufacturers are poised for continued success in 2011.

On a personal note, in my tenure as Chair of the NAM Board of Directors, I have enjoyed working closely with John on issues that matter to manufacturers. Regardless of which party is in power, John and his team consistently fight for the right policies that will allow all of us to better compete in the global economy. John and his team have deep relationships on both sides of the aisle and their credibility is impressive.

The NAM team is delivering a powerful message about the important role of manufacturing and why the United States cannot afford to take our manufacturing leadership for granted.

While we will miss John, I am very pleased to announce the appointment of Jay Timmons as president and CEO of the NAM effective January 2011. Jay is a proven leader and, working with John and the rest of the leadership team, he has been instrumental in strengthening the NAM. Jay has deep relationships in Washington and with manufacturers across the country. He has a keen understanding of manufacturing and the impact Washington’s policies have on job creation. I have great respect for Jay. I am extremely pleased he will lead the NAM as we continue to push the manufacturing agenda forward.

Michael E. Campbell
National Association of Manufacturers and
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer
Arch Chemicals, Inc.

Utah Business
The University of Utah overtook MIT to become America’s No. 1 research institution when it comes to creating startup companies based on university technology, and it achieved the top ranking with a fraction of the research budget of other major universities. The ranking, for 2009, is the result of the latest annual survey by the Association of University Technology Managers (AUTM) of the nation’s top research institutions.
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Today in Manufacturing
It was the second passage by the Senate, which would give the government power to increase inspections of processing facilities and force companies to recall tainted food ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Legislation around food safety appeared to have stalled, but in the past few weeks, there has been a flurry of activity over the Food and Drug Administration Food Safety Modernization Act ... continue

Quick Manufacturing
In manufacturing sector stronger stimulus is expected from exports and firms are planning to hire. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Automakers and engine manufacturers are suing the Environmental Protection Agency over a plan to allow the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
By 2030, Americans will burn at least 20 percent less gasoline than today, experts say, even as millions of more cars clog the roads ... continue

Utah Business
More than half of Utah executives — 54 percent — report plans for increased spending in the year ahead, according to Zions Bank’s Utah Quarterly Economic Forecast. The third quarter 2010 report, conducted by independent research firm Dan Jones & Associates, gauges the health of the state’s economy from the perspective of high-level Utah executives. Additionally, 56 percent of panelists feel the impact of extending the Bush tax cuts will have a positive effect on their business.
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Utah Business
Have you worked with a woman who sets the standard in her field? Does she stand out as an exceptional leader who is a role model to others? Utah Business is now accepting nominations for the 2011 30 Women to Watch, a prestigious program that recognizes Utah’s noteworthy professionals and business community leaders.
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Business Wire
The University of Utah overtook MIT to become America's No. 1 research institution when it comes to creating startup companies based on university technology, and it achieved the top ranking with a fraction of the research budget of other major universities. {read more}

Quick Manufacturing News
Import cargo volume at the nation's major retail container ports is expected to be up 9% in December over the same month last year, and 2010 should end with a 17% increase over last year, according to the monthly Global Port Tracker report from the National Retail Federation and Hackett Associates. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
When the debate about China as a world superpower makes its way to primetime, does it mean people are aware enough to get the joke or just indicative of increasing alarm? ... continue

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