Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Posts for January 25, 2011

Quick Manufacturing News
Electronics and rubber products industries drive nationwide gains Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Major steel-producing regions show double-digit growth. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
President is raising the goal of increased competitiveness to get lawmakers and the public behind investments in education, innovation and infrastructure ... continue

By unanimous votes this afternoon members of the House Business and Labor Standing Committee voted out two UMA-supported bills to the floor for further consideration.

HB-188 – Labor Commission Related Amendments permits documents from the Labor Commission to be served, delivered or transmitted electronically. UMA supports. The Utah Workers Compensation Advisory Council, of which UMA president Tom Bingham is a member unanimously approved this measure and recommended it to the Legislature.

HB-209 – Workers Compensation Premium Assessment – Modifies the limits on assessments to employers for the Utah Reinsurance Fund within the Labor Commission. This trust fund was created in the late 1980’s to cover ongoing costs for injured workers where permanent or total disabilities existed when the State of Utah gave up their involvement in workers compensation.

UMA supported an effort two years ago to retire this temporary trust fund early and reduce the assessment as the fund decreases. The impacts of the recession have caused the fund to slow in its decrease. This bill allows the minimum assessment to remain constant if need to keep the fund solvent until it can be retired. The WCAC will review this annually to determine what the assessment level should be to keep the fund solvent. The net impact is that it may take a few more years to eliminate this fund and remove the assessment entirely from employers in Utah.

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