Thursday, February 17, 2011

Posts for February 16, 2011

Rep. Bill Wright's guest worker bill HB-116 passed out of House committee last night after extensive debate and contentious argument at times. This measure most nearly approximates the State Compact signed by a host of business interests last year.

Committee Kills E-Scrap Bill (HB-102): This morning a House committee heard the new version of an old effort by Rep. Becky Edwards to mandate a recycle program for electronic waste in Utah. Her bill would create a program within the Department of Environmental Quality to establish pick up points around the state, funded by manufacturers of electronic devices sold in Utah. Following lengthy discussion the committee vote 4-6 on a motion to report the bill out of committee favorably to the floor. The bill is now filed in the committee, having lost the vote to move it. UMA has been concerned about a mandatory program and has favored a voluntary program for Utah. A Senate bill is being drafted to create a plan for a voluntary program.

Quick Manufacturing News
However the manufacturing sector increased output 0.3% Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
In a landscape of budget cuts and heated debate, President Obama’s FY 2012 budget request includes modest increases for OSHA and MSHA -- a requested $583 million for OSHA (an increase of more than $24 million from 2010 enacted levels) and $384 million for MSHA. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Sales advanced 0.4 percent in December as the primary metal and petroleum and coal product industries reported gains and aerospace product and parts declined ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Output by the nation's factories, mines and utilities slipped 0.1 percent last month, the Federal Reserve said Wednesday ... continue

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