Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Posts for February 8, 2011

Today in Manufacturing
Short-term relief proposed to states with unemployment insurance debt and a delayed increase in the income level used to tax employers for the aid to the jobless ... continue

Quick Manufacturing News
'We need an economy that's based not on what we consume and borrow from other nations, but what we make and what we sell around the world. We need to make America the best place on earth to do business," he said. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Item-level passive UHF tags now make up an increasing share of the total world market for RFID tags. Analyst firm ABI Research forecasts that more than three quarters of a billion RFID tags will be used in global apparel markets in 2011. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Employers posted fewer jobs in December, the latest evidence that businesses are not ready to step up hiring ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
President Obama prodded American businesses to do their share to help the economy, calling on executives to 'get in the game' and begin investing ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Those who have a job are less likely to lose it than at any point in at least 14 years, but those who are unemployed are in trouble ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Many chip makers' stocks are poised to rise, Citi analyst said, arguing that limited supply reflects a rebound in demand on the part of electronics manufacturers ... continue

Quick Manufacturing News
For global supply chains, we see 2011 as a 'back on track' and 'back to basics' year. While we do not anticipate massive IT spending growth, there is no question that pent-up demand and a need to push forward with new capabilities are going to drive expenditures in 2011. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
'If we make America the best place to do business, businesses should make their mark in America,' Obama said. 'They should set up shop here, and hire our workers, and pay decent wages, and invest in the future of this nation,' stressed the president. 'That's their obligation.' Click to continue

National Association of Manufacturers
On January 2, 2011, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began regulating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from new and modified facilities under the Clean Air Act. While only the largest plants are currently regulated, small to medium-sized facilities soon will be covered by these burdensome rules. Manufacturers are now facing significant uncertainty and potential permitting delays that will hinder their decision-making, competitiveness and ability to create jobs. The EPA also has made it clear that it will continue to use its authority under the Clean Air Act to require GHG emission reductions from existing facilities. The cost of retrofitting existing buildings to control for GHG emissions could be severe and will put more American jobs in jeopardy. Congressional action is needed to stop the EPA from moving forward with these regulations.

Current Status: Sen. Inhofe (R-OK) and Reps. Upton (R-MI) and Whitfield (R-KY) unveiled draft legislation on February 2, 2011. The Energy Tax Prevention Act would block the EPA’s authority to regulate GHG emissions from stationary sources under the Clean Air Act but would keep intact the GHG standards for cars and trucks. A House Energy and Commerce subcommittee will hold a hearing to discuss the proposal on February 9, 2011.

Action Needed: Manufacturers must send a strong message to members of the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power. Tell them that the EPA’s GHG regulations are costing U.S. manufacturing jobs and hurting global competitiveness. We also ask all of our membership association partners to forward this alert to your members and ask them to weigh-in as well.

Please click here to send a letter to members of this subcommittee to voice support for the Energy Tax Prevention Act and urge Congress to act quickly on this proposal.

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