Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Posts for January 31, 2011

Today in Manufacturing
Americans increased their spending sharply in December and consumer purchases for all of 2010 rose at the fastest pace in three years ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Three of the biggest U.S. technology companies committing millions in an initiative to encourage job creation and economic growth by supporting small businesses ... continue

POLITICAL NEWS BREAKING: Federal judge rules Obamacare unconstitutional
By: Mark Hemingway 01/31/11 12:06 PM

The full text of the decision from Federal Judge Roger Vinson is not available yet, but according to reporters who've seen the decision, he's ruled the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. The ruling favors of the 26 state attorney generals challenging the law. The judge ruled the individual mandate that requires all Americans to purchase health insurance invalid and, according to the decision, "because the individual mandate is unconstitutional and not severable, the entire Act must be declared void."
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-confidential/2011/01/breaking-federal-judge-rules-obamacare-unconstitutional#ixzz1CeTDqy4A

Quick Manufacturing News
Aerospace giant needs to get 787 and 747-8 programs on track. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
However, less engaging training can be just as effective in preparing workers to avoid accidents when jobs are less dangerous. Click to continue

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