Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Posts for March 1, 2011

H.B. 128—Health Reform Amendments has passed the House and heads to the Senate for final action. This bill will continue the state health reform efforts of the past few years and will provide the framework for additional health reform in the future. It is scheduled for a Senate Committee hearing tomorrow.

An alternative bill, SB-184, crafted to answer the mandatory bill by Rep. Becky Edwards that failed in committee earlier in the session will spend one more day in the Senate committee until the sponsor, Sen. Urquhart can attend the meeting. Without a sponsor to introduce it, the committee moved to adjourn rather and put it on tomorrow’s agenda. Amendments being urged by Rep. Edwards have clouded the purpose of the bill. UMA was in the committee prepared to support the voluntary bill but if the mandatory reporting provisions being proposed by Edwards are not removed, UMA will oppose. The bill is being supported by the National Consumer Electronics Association as a model for the rest of the country to follow.

Following the lead of the House a Senate committee this afternoon approved HB-399 that imposes a bond requirement on those filing suit against state government actions. Originally the bill, as the title implies, included law suits filed against the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. But, at UMA request, that was removed in an amendment in the House. The problem with including environmental issues is that, according the EPA, could jeopardize primacy for environmental programs in Utah. Still included in the bill are UDOT and the Division of Oil Gas and Mining. The bill now goes to the floor of the Senate where it is expected to pass. If the Governor is concerned about primacy with other programs still included, he will need to exercise his veto power to protect agency primacy.

Before a packed crowd of passionate citizens, the Senate Revenue and Taxation Standing Committee heard two of the many immigration bills before the 2011 Legislature. HB-253, sponsored by Rep. Herrod of Utah County garnered a lot of support from some public participants because it seeks to identify illegal immigrants by requiring the Federal E-Verify program of all employers with 15 or more employees and penalize employers who knowingly employ those not legally in the State. Senators questioned inconsistencies in the bill as presented by Rep. Herrod and ultimately held the bill.

The first Senate bill to get a serious hearing before a Senate Committee was then presented by sponsor Sen. Bramble. SB-288 is the product of many weeks of drafting to aggregate the parts of many immigration bills both from the House and the Senate into one that could address the complexities of what is described as a Congressional issue but one that Utah needs to address. Bramble’s bill mirrors the “Utah Compact”, a document listing principles that should be included in addressing immigration. It calls for a guest worker program, use of a verification program and imposes penalties for violations, but not a severe as some House bills. The opposition to this measure by the same folks who supported the Herrod bill was very vigorous and at times personal. However, in the end, the Senate committee approved a substitute, amended the substitute and passed SB-288, first substitute, to the floor of the Senate for debate. UMA’s position on immigration is to support the use of the E-Verify program and to ensure a safe harbor provision for employers who follow the program and still inadvertently hire undocumented workers. SB-288 meets that test.

Utah's economic expansion is well underway. The Utah economy is growing at nearly twice the national rate and has been expanding now for eight consecutive months. Economic conditions are stronger than at any time in over two years and Utah employers have added 15,300 jobs in the last 12 months. Consumers are spending again, businesses are profitable again and tax revenues are growing again. Now, after the longest, deepest and broadest recession in over seven decades, more prosperous times are within reach.
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Jeff Edwards, President and CEO, EDCUtah

A week ago I had the pleasure of participating in the ribbon cutting for Gregory Mountain Products' new home in Holladay at the Black Diamond campus. (Black Diamond is a UMA Member company)
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TANKER WARS: WHY BOEING WON (Boeing is a UMA member company)

Quick Manufacturing News
The Boeing 767 promised to be much more cost-effective over a 40-year service life. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Business that pleaded guilty to conspiracy related to a workplace raid on illegal immigrants is accused of discriminating against non-immigrants who applied for jobs ... continue

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