Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Posts for March 21, 2011`

UMA President Tom Bingham

The 2011 General Session may be over but the controversy is not. Now legislators who rushed to amend the GRAMA law to bring it to the 20th century are saying we may have moved to quickly and we need to repeal the controversial HB-477. In fact, the Republican House caucus today voted to repeal the controversial law even before it would go into effect or the Governor would sign or veto it. Governor Herbert agrees; in fact he has called a special session for Friday, March 25, for that very purpose. No doubt others will be asking lawmakers to address other controversial issues like immigration. All of this posturing, notwithstanding, UMA has finished its 2011 Legislative report to the members. You can view the full legislative report on the UMA website at www.umaweb.org and look for the link to the legislature.

Quick Manufacturing News
Currently, travel data collection activities are scattered throughout DOT and other federal agencies. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Manufacturers get rid of low-skill workers and replace them with automation, requiring workers who can operate the sophisticated computerized machinery ... continue

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