Friday, March 4, 2011

Posts for March 4, 2011

Final passage of a bill to require parties bringing law suits against government entities came this morning in the Utah Senate. Before HB-399 passed the originating house, UMA got an amendment to remove Utah Department of Environmental Quality from the provisions of the bill. We argued that including DEQ would jeopardize primacy from EPA for environmental programs in Utah. With the house amendment, UMA withdrew its opposition. The bill now goes to the Governor for his signature.

Let the games begin. On this the final Friday of the session, legislators in both houses are being pulled in all directions as the alternate caucusing and voting on the floor. This is when leadership really earns their money. It is no small task to keep the body all going the same direction, even if you have a super majority. With the budget all but finished, the railroad is about to begin. Just four days to go next week and a host of bills on the board means long days and chaos as the end nears.

Today in Manufacturing
Employers hired in February at the fastest pace in almost a year and the unemployment rate fell to 8.9 percent -- a nearly two-year low ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Four Democrats are joining a Republican effort to block the Environmental Protection Agency from reducing heat-trapping pollution blamed for global warming ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Oil prices hit a two-year high Friday after the U.S. government said the unemployment rate fell to 8.9 percent in February ... continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Congress has approved a 2-week extension to the FY 2011 continuing resolution to fund the government through March 18. The measure cuts $4 billion in federal spending and temporarily prevents a government shutdown, but the final 2011 budget -- and its impact on agencies like OSHA -- remains uncertain. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Businesses ordered more goods from U.S. factories in January, but excluding a surge in demand for airplanes, the rise in demand was the smallest in three months ... continue

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