Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Posts for APril 18, 2011

April 18, 2011

On April 13, the Federal Reserve released its Beige Book, which examines economic conditions in each of its twelve regions. In general, the Fed cited improved conditions across the country, specifically noting optimism within the manufacturing community. It wrote, “Manufacturing continued to lead, with virtually every District citing examples of steady improvement, often with reports of increased hiring.” That is definitely a good sign that manufacturing appears to be headed in the right track.

Other statistics released last week also show a recovery taking place in manufacturing and in the economy as a whole. The Federal Reserve released its industrial production numbers, showing a sizable uptick in the first quarter of 9.1 percentage points, and overall utilization has been rising. Manufacturers see signs of growth, with job openings outpacing separations. Indeed, while manufacturing employment has bottomed out from the economic recession, it has only gained 211,00 jobs from the 2.3 million it lost during the recession.

Consumers are once again spending, with retail sales numbers released last week generally positive. The exception would be in the automotive sector, which experienced some declines from the previous month but were significantly higher than last year. Americans are opening their wallets despite overall worries about increased energy costs. While consumer and business sentiment is up in April, higher energy costs dampen the overall mood. Both consumer and producer prices rose steadily in March due mainly to higher energy costs; however, when one looks at “core” prices (which excludes food and energy), overall inflation is modest.

Finally, the Commerce Department released data on April 12 showing a narrowing trade gap. Year-over-year figures show that manufactured exports were up 11.6 percent, but in general, the growth in imports continue to outstrip the growth in exports for manufactured products. This, obviously, is an area of opportunity, particularly if the U.S. is to achieve its goal of doubling exports by 2015.

Chad Moutray
Chief Economist
National Association of Manufacturers

Tom Bingham, UMA President

The long awaited and much feared challenge to Utah’s Unavoidable Breakdown Rule was published in the Federal Register today. Some time ago, Region 8 of EPA issued a notice of a finding of substantial inadequacy of implementation plan and a call for a Utah State implementation plan revision. The formal announcement was filed today in the Federal Register. UMA’s Air Quality Subcommittee will meet next week on Monday, April 25, to discuss what action UMA should take in addressing this rule.

Despite painstaking efforts years ago to craft a rule that would give some consideration to air permit holders but still address discharges of pollutants into the air in Utah, EPA has challenged the language of the rule. Essentially, a discharge caused by a breakdown is not a violation of the rule unless it can be proved that the breakdown was due to negligence or lack of maintenance and not truly unavoidable. There has never been a discharge in Utah registered under this rule. The UMA committee will decide next week what course of action to take. We are encouraging DEQ to challenge EPA on behalf of the State of Utah.



Today in Manufacturing

Chip maker said its first-quarter profit nearly doubled as revenue climbed, helped by demand from industrial, auto, appliance and alternative energy customers ... continue

Daily Pulse

Workers Compensation Fund is pleased to welcome Kris McFarland as the new vice president of Human Resources.
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Market Wire

SALT LAKE CITY, UT--(Marketwire - April 12, 2011) - EnergySolutions, Inc. announced today that it will conduct a conference call at 5:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 20, 2011, to discuss the license stewardship accounting methodology associated with nuclear power station decommissioning projects.
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Quick Manufacturing News
Over one third of the 72 economists polled expected U.S. firms to face higher costs for raw materials as Japan looks to rebuild quake and tsunami-battered regions. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
On April 14, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., along with Sens. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and others, introduced the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011 to upgrade the nation’s system for managing chemical safety and protect communities from toxic chemicals. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Companies urging the high court to throw out the lawsuit on grounds that the EPA, not a federal court, is the proper authority to make rules about climate change ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Utility workers are deploying robots from Bedford, Mass.-based iRobot Corp. to measure radiation levels, temperatures and other conditions inside the reactors ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Economists say the economy is gaining strength despite political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East and last month's devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan ... continue


UB Daily
Statistics generated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, D.
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UB Daily
Wasatch Front — March 2011 The Zions Bank Consumer Price Index for the Wasatch Front increased 0.9 percent in the month of March. Prices along the Wasatch Front generally lag behind those of the U.
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Quick Manufacturing News

FTR Associates' Shippers' Condition Index continues to decline, reflecting tightening capacity in the trucking sector. The short term forecast for the SCI calls for continued deterioration from the current reading of -7.7 as the outlook for capacity shortages worsens. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Legislators on both side of the aisle have introduced legislation that would codify OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs. The legislation, S. 807, sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Michael B. Enzi, R–Wyo., and Sen. Mary Landrieu, D–La., was introduced April 13. Similar legislation, H.R. 1511, was introduced in the House by Rep. Tom Petri, R-Wisc., senior Republican on the Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Training, and Rep. Gene Green, D-Texas. Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
Factories produced more consumer goods, business equipment and raw materials in March, boosting manufacturing activity for the ninth straight month ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
A raft of new regulations will leave energy companies uncertain about how to run their businesses and could drive up electricity prices, a former EPA official said ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Consumers paid more for food, gas and rent last month, but outside those categories inflation remained tame ... continue


The Employers Council

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) earlier this year reported that in 2010 the nation’s union membership rate dropped to its lowest rate in over 70 years! The union membership rate – the percent of wage and salary workers who were members of a union – was 11.9 percent in 2010, down from 12.3 percent in 2009. The total number of workers belonging to unions declined by 612,000, to 14.7 million. Highlights from the data include:

• Union membership rate for public sector workers (36.2 percent) was more than five times higher than the rate for private sector workers (6.9 percent).
• Workers in education, training, and library occupations had the highest unionization rate at 37.1 percent.
• Among states, New York had the highest union membership rate (24.2 percent); North Carolina had the lowest (3.2 percent).
• Utah’s union membership rate dropped slightly – to 6.5 percent in 2010 (from 6.9 percent in 2009).

Visit www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/union2.pdf for the full report.

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