Thursday, June 9, 2011

Posts for June 8, 2011

“Privacy is dead, and social media holds the smoking gun.” ~ Pete Cashmore, Mashable CEO

Chad Moutray, chief economist for the National Association of Manufacturers, wrote in IndustryWeek (6/6) that "despite the current deluge of weak indicators, manufacturers have responded positively about their prospects for growth in recent surveys, most notably those from the regional Federal Reserve Banks which ask about their expectations for the next six months."

The NAM/IndustryWeek Survey of Manufacturers found, among other things, that "86.4% of respondents were positive about the current business climate," and that "nearly two-thirds...expect sales to increase by at least 5% over the next year, bringing the average expected sales increase to 5.4%." Moutray then dives into the details of the findings, which are illustrated with several graphs showing manufacturing business outlook and expected growth on multiple fronts. The IndustryWeek website also features an audio interview of Moutray with IW Editor-in-Chief Steve Minter.


ALEXANDRIA, VA, June 8, 2011— Today at Northern Virginia Community College, President Obama announced key steps towards building the educated and skilled workforce U.S. manufacturers need to successfully compete in the 21st century economy. Responding to President Obama’s call to action to employers and community colleges to work together to connect students with jobs, The Manufacturing Institute and the National Association of Manufacturers announced the goal of credentialing 500,000 community college students with skills certifications aligned to manufacturers’ hiring needs, citing The Manufacturing Institute’s NAM-Endorsed Skills Certification System as a national solution and highlighting The Manufacturing Institute’s new partnership with the Skills for America’s Future initiative.

―In this highly competitive global market, our manufacturers’ business success is tied directly to their ability to innovate, and the single most important factor in their innovation capacity is an educated and skilled workforce,‖ said Emily Stover DeRocco, president, The Manufacturing Institute. ―We know that most manufacturing jobs today require skills learned beyond high school, primarily in community colleges. And we now have a system of Manufacturing Skills Certifications – standards of learning – that are being integrated into community college programs of study.‖

The President said that strong partnerships between manufacturers and community colleges to make these manufacturing credentials available nationwide supports the goal of providing 500,000 more skilled workers for the manufacturing industry within the next 5 years.
The Manufacturing Skills Certification System is managed by The Manufacturing Institute, the non-profit organization affiliated with the National Association of Manufacturers – the nation’s largest industrial trade association. Partners in the skills certification system include ACT, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, the American Welding Society, the National Institute of Metalworking Skills, and the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council.

―As students and transitioning workers acquire these manufacturing skills credentials in community college programs of study, they also accumulate credits toward an associates or higher college degree, strengthening our STEM-capable workforce,‖ said DeRocco. ―These credentials become educational pathways to new careers, and can even lead students on to engineering technology degrees and careers to create the next new products in automobiles, alternative energy, or aerospace.‖

The President also announced key new business-education partnerships involving major manufacturing companies and non-profit organizations:

 The Manufacturing Institute and Skills for America’s Future are forming a strategic partnership to promote the implementation of industry-recognized credentials and to recruit employers to implement the NAM-Endorsed Manufacturing Skills Certification System. The newly-formed partnership joins together The Manufacturing Institute’s commitment to helping students become certified through competency-based education and training with the Skills for America’s Future effort to connect employers with community colleges.

 The board of directors of Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG), chaired by Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware, is establishing a five-year goal of helping 30,000 high-risk young people obtain professional credentials in high demand occupations including those in advanced manufacturing. Archer Daniels Midland Company, a leading global agribusiness with operations in 36 states and a JAG board member, will serve as JAG’s National Business Partner to build support for the credentialing initiative among employers throughout the United States and to help provide JAG students with good career guidance on high-quality, middle class jobs in advanced manufacturing.

 Air Products, a global manufacturer serving customers in industrial, energy, technology and healthcare markets worldwide, is partnering with SkillsUSA to build partnerships with SkillsUSA’s 3500 member high schools and more than 200 colleges to include industry-recognized credentials in their career and technical education pathways, to connect with SkillsUSA’s 10.2 million alumni, and to champion the credentials with manufacturers and students.

 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) and the SME Education Foundation, is partnering with the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering, the National Academy Foundation, and General Dynamics – Ordnance and Tactical Systems, will provide over 1,000 mentorships every year for the next 5 years, continuing their long tradition of mentoring high school and college students, teachers, counselors, and administrators on the requirements for

a career in the high skilled, high tech environment of the 21st century manufacturing plant.

 Futures Inc. is partnering with The Manufacturing Institute to leverage Pipeline, an on-line talent connection platform that links qualified employees to employers with in-demand jobs in advanced manufacturing. The platform functions as a career navigation tool, using real-time data to inform individuals about career opportunities and directly link them to the education and training they need. Pipeline is a multi-media, collaborative career-path and job-resource center designed to help people find the right career, bridge skills gaps, prepare for success, and connect to a great job. Pipeline is already being put to use to ensure our transitioning military men and women have the best tools available to connect to civilian career opportunities. Supporting the commitment of the Institute, Futures Inc. will deploy Pipeline in partner states to connect the job seekers to training and rewarding careers in advanced manufacturing.

About The Manufacturing Institute
The Manufacturing Institute (the Institute) is the 501 (c) 3 affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. As a non-partisan organization, the Institute is committed to delivering leading-edge information and services to the nation’s manufacturers. The Institute focuses on developing human capital strategies through education reform and workforce development, conducting applied research to provide critical information to public policy makers on challenges and opportunities for today’s industry, and advancing the innovation capacity of manufacturers operating in a global market.

Today in Manufacturing
China announced plan to pay up to nearly $2,800 for vehicles headed to the scrap heap to perk up slumping sales in world's largest auto market ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Fed Reserve Chairman said economy has weakened in recent weeks but the slowdown is temporary, and growth should pick up later this year ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
Government is moving to ban the sale of some popular rat and mouse poisons such as D-Con and Hot Shot in an effort to protect children and pets ... continue

UB Daily
Education leaders from across the state, including representatives from most major institutions of higher education met for Utah Business magazine’s Education Roundtable on Tuesday, June 7 where they discussed the challenges and opportunities facing higher education in Utah. One major opportunity identified by the group was the state’s need to capitalize on its huge rising generation, and create pathways of success for the changing population. Moderator for the roundtable, Vicki Varela, Vicki Varela Strategic Communications started the discussion by quoting some words of Tom Friedman, op-ed columnist for The New York Times about America’s need for innovation.
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Quick Manufacturing News
Automaker plans to resume paying dividends. Click to continue

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Growing federal deficit continues to hobble the economy, Akerson says. Click to continue

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China ends wind turbine subsidies. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Total traffic for all imports entering all U.S. ports was down 1% in week 19, 2011, compared to the same week in 2010, however for the year to date, overall traffic remains up 8% over the same period in 2010. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
U.S., global economies persist in slow, fractured growth Click to continue

Today in Manufacturing
FDA has a legislative mandate to require comprehensive preventive controls across the food industry and has mandatory recall authority ... continue

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