Thursday, September 3, 2009

Obama To Address Joint Session Of Congress On Healthcare Reform

Posted by Thomas E. Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturers Association (9-3-09)

The White House announced yesterday that the President will deliver a speech to a joint session of Congress next Wednesday night on the issue of healthcare reform. Some suggest the decision to address Congress might be seen as an acknowledgement that he lost ground in the healthcare reform fight during the August recess. White House aides are saying the President will try to regain control of the discussion.

According to a new CBS poll 67 percent of Americans say they simply do not understand what's in the healthcare bills. The President's speech next week may be his single best opportunity to clear up all the confusion.

Washington insiders are saying Obama’s advisors originally counseled him to “not make the mistake the Clintons made with healthcare, but to allow Congress to craft the bill and then endorse it. Since that has not worked, insiders are saying he is now being advised to take the lead and craft his own healthcare reform plan and send it to Congress. His speech next week may be the beginning of this amended plan.

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