Thursday, September 3, 2009

Utah DEQ To Get New Executive Director

Posted by Thomas E. Bingham, President, Utah Manufacturers Association

After months of discussion, delays and questions about Governor Jon Huntsman’s nominee to fill the vacancy at DEQ of the Executive Director, the Utah Senate Confirmation Committee convened a hearing to consider Amanda Smith for the post. Originally appointed by Governor Huntsman and later again by Governor Herbert, Amanda Smith, a member of Governor Huntsman’s staff, has faced many delays and much controversy.

When first announced her appointment raised major concerns with the business and industry community both because of her relatively unknown status and because her career began with an assignment with the Nature Conservancy. Some UMA member companies expressed reservations and asked UMA to help them do some due diligence. UMA arranged a meeting with Amanda with the Environment Committee. Having spent an hour and a half with Amanda the committee members and the companies they represent got much more comfortable with her style of leadership and her balance in addressing environmental issues. Ultimately, the UMA member companies who raised the issues initially have backed away from any opposition.

I personally visited with Governor Herbert to be sure Amanda Smith was his choice and not just someone Huntsman had pushed forward. He assured me he was supportive of her and that he intended to re-nominate her to the post. With that assurance, I told the Governor we would not raise any opposition to his nominee. The confirmation committee unanimously recommended Amanda Smith to the full Senate for confirmation in their extra-ordinary special session on September 17. UMA looks forward to working with Amanda in her new role at DEQ.

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