Monday, October 5, 2009

Airline Industry Opposes Proposed Cap-And-Trade System

October 5, 2009

CQ reported, "The airline industry is pushing back against the Senate's climate change bill, claiming a proposed cap-and-trade system could cost carriers as much as $5 billion." The most recent draft of the Senate bill by John Kerry (D-MA) and Barbara Boxer (D-CA) "includes aircraft and aircraft engines in its emissions-trading plan. The language tracks with provisions in a climate change bill the House passed in June. Earlier drafts of the Senate bill contained language that essentially directed the EPA and Federal Aviation Administration to draw up regulations for aviation's greenhouse gas emissions as it saw fit." The major US airlines' trade group, the Air Transport Association (ATA), "said the new language would mean jet fuel sellers would have to purchase emissions credits, the cost of which would then be passed on to airlines at the point of sale."

1 comment:

  1. This cost would then be passed on to consumers. Consumers can not afford this increase and will respond by flying only when absolutely necessary. This will spell the end for an already struggling airline industry in America. Voice your opposition to cap and trade at
