Friday, January 8, 2010

UMA Annual Membership Luncheon

Register now for the 2010 Annual UMA Membership Luncheon to be held at Little America Hotel (500 South Main, Salt Lake City) on Monday, February 1, 2010, from 12:15 to 1:45 p.m.
We hope you will arrange to attend and consider bringing some of your key managers and staff with you. The cost is $250 for a table of eight or $35 per person.
We are pleased to announce that our guest speaker will be Raymond W. Monroe, Executive Vice President, Steel Founders' Society of America speaking about the Role of Manufacturers in the Recession Recovery at the Annual UMA Membership Luncheon. "While attending a foundry education conference a few weeks ago Raymond Monroe executive vice president of the Steel Founders Society of America gave a talk titled Manufacturing. As I was listening to his presentation I thought Wow I've never seen a presentation that showed in a global way just how important manufacturing is to the United States and Utah. I also thought it would be great to show my fellow manufacturers and our legislators at the annual membership luncheon." Mark May, May Foundry and Machine Company

This traditional luncheon features opportunities for UMA members to have lunch with their legislators during the legislative session, meet with other UMA members, receive reports on what has happened throughout the past year and get a glimpse of expected activities and issues for 2010.

We encourage UMA member companies to consider having Senators and Representatives to be their guests at the luncheon. That will ensure that you will have uninterrupted opportunity to visit with them and discuss your concerns. In past years we have had some problems with people asking legislators to sit at their table as they arrive for lunch when other guests have already invited them to be their guest at the luncheon. We respectfully request that you not do this. To avoid confusion about where legislators will sit, please contact Teresa Thomas at (363-3885) if you intend to host any legislators at your table. Teresa will coordinate where legislators will sit and will extend the special invitation to join you at your table and assign them table numbers. We hope this will eliminate confusion on the part of legislators and disappointment from member companies. Note: UMA will report this event by number of legislators, not by name. Value per person is less than $25.

Call Teresa today to make your reservations at 801-363-3885.

We look forward to your attendance at the Annual Membership Meeting! Please let us hear from you soon. Requests for key legislators come early. To ensure your request is honored, please register early.

For SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at the Membership Luncheon

click here Membership Meeting Sponsorship

To Register for the Luncheon click here UMA meeting registration

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