Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Posts for February 2, 2010

February 2, 2010 – “UMA on the Hill

After being reported out of a Senate committee unanimously late last week, H.B. 24, Economic Development Incentives Act Amendments -- Rep. Wallis, has found its way to the Senate Second Reading calendar and in currently 11th down on the calendar. It is very likely it will be considered today and moved to third reading. No opposition has been shown to this measure, supported by UMA as a way to improve the incentive tools offered by the State of Utah to business and industry to expand. This measure is narrowly drawn to fit mostly the aerospace industry for investments in excess of $10 million.

Another bill (HB-118) waiting to be heard will address another economic development deficit in Utah, help for those who are not necessarily creating new jobs but rather trying to preserve jobs and industry in Utah. Representative Harper has developed the bill to address a real need by many companies not headquartered in Utah but who have supported this economy for many years. Some could bring parts of a parent company to Utah if they can preserve the business already doing business here. Others may just need some help to expand or modernize to stay in business and continue to provide support to the Utah economy including provide jobs.

February 2, 2010

Just ahead of the deadline to join the Copenhagen Accord, the US and China joined many other countries that together account for nearly 80% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions in signing a voluntary agreement to curb greenhouse gases. The voluntary agreement is expected to dramatically reduce the emissions scientists link to global warming, but not enough to hold temperatures to levels scientists say are needed to minimize risks of drought, flooding and other catastrophic effects.

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