Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Posts for February 22, 2011

HOUSE COMMITTEE ADVANCES ENVIRONMENTAL SURETY BONDS: The House Natural Resources and Environment Committee this morning advanced HB-399 by Rep. Noel of Kanab to require those filing law suits on environmental issues to post surety bonds. UMA has been studying this measure and discussing it with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality to ensure that it does not jeopardize primacy for environmental programs under EPA. DEQ Executive Director Amanda Smith testified in committee this morning that she has seen a draft of a letter from EPA that states they are questioning the direction the Utah Legislature is leaning but they have not confirmed if they would consider withdrawing primacy because of it.

Today in Manufacturing
Since demand is up and business is improving for companies, they're doing what they always do at the beginning of an expansion -- calling the bank and asking for a loan ... continue

Today in Manufacturing
The Consumer Confidence Index rose to its highest point in three years as consumers are feeling more positive about income prospects and the direction the economy is headed ... continue

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