Thursday, February 24, 2011

Posts for February 23, 2011


SB-270 PROPOSES TO RESTORE SALES TAX ON FOOD: A Senate committee advanced a bill to restore the state portion of the sales tax on food while lowering the sales tax on everything else. Senator Adams', SB-270, which passed the committee 6-to-2, would raise the sales tax on unprepared food to 4.4 percent. Conversely, the bill would lower the base sales-tax rate from 4.7 percent to 4.4 percent. This means most communities would see their sales-tax rate drop from 6.5 percent to 6.1 or 6.2 percent, depending on where you live. This is one of several bills to restore the sales tax on food, but most have another place to spend the money. This bill just reduces the overall sales tax rate across the board. UMA is not entering into this battle but we opposed removing the sales tax from food originally and would not object to restoring it if it reduces the tax rate.

HOUSE PASSES BILL REQUIRING UTAH BUSINESSES TO VERIFY LEGAL STATUS OF WORKERS: HB253, sponsored by Rep. Chris Herrod R-Provo, would suspend the business licenses of companies with 15 workers or more that hire illegal immigrants. It would make the Utah Attorney General's Office and local law enforcement responsible for investigating complaints. The House passed the bill on Tuesday and sent it to the Senate for their consideration. UMA does not oppose mandatory use of E-Verify provided there is a “safe harbor” provision in the bill that protects those who verify worker status if the system fails to identify an illegal immigrant.

Today in Manufacturing
Oil prices rose to fresh two-year highs amid concerns that a violent power struggle in Libya could disrupt supplies ... continue

Quick Manufacturing News
U.S. production up 9.4%. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
In the fourth quarter, there were 42 announced deals, compared to the 38 deals in the previous quarter. Additionally, total deal value showed a dramatic spike, climbing 111% to $35.6 billion in Q4 2010, compared to $16.9 billion in the third quarter of 2010. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
The alliance strives to enhance workplace safety and health for Mexican workers in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Click to continue

Quick Manufacturing News
Sales hit $16.4 billion Click to continue

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