Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Posts for March 28, 2011

ATTORNEY LAURA SCOTT ELECTED AS AMERICAN BAR FOUNDATION FELLOW Daily Pulse Laura S. Scott, a shareholder in Parsons Behle & Latimer's Litigation department and a member of the firm's board of directors, has been elected to the Fellows of the American Bar Foundation. {read more} PARR BROWN ATTORNEY, DAVID E. GEE, ELECTED TO ENVISION UTAH BOARD OF DIRECTORS Daily Pulse The law firm of Parr Brown Gee & Loveless is pleased to announce that David E. Gee has been elected to serve on the Board of Directors for Envision Utah. {read more}
Jay Timmons, President, CEO – National Association of Manufacturers NAM is launching a campaign today to put a human face on the unprecedented expansion of federal regulations coming from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). As early as this afternoon, television and radio ads will begin airing in Arkansas, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. You can view these ads at www.NoNewRegs.org. We’re releasing these new ads as Congress considers legislation to block the EPA’s proposed regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. A vote in the U.S. Senate could occur early this week. Our web page www.NoNewRegs.org contains a call to action so manufacturers, your employees, and the general public can contact their member of Congress. These ads are focused on the specific regulations and not the agency itself. As our ads ask, “Manufacturing has always provided good jobs that support our local economies. But times are tough. So why is the EPA pushing new regulations that could force businesses to close, making times tougher, increasing costs and prices for goods and services?” The NAM’s new TV and radio ads are just the beginning of a sustained educational campaign about the EPA’s excessive regulations and their effect on the U.S. manufacturing economy. UMA encourages you and your employees to visit www.NoNewRegs.org and take action to help us stop these costly regulations.
by Greg Summerhays Workers compensation fraud is a booming business, and it costs everyone, including employers, employees, and insurance companies. We recommend you take these steps to reduce the possibility of an injured employee committing fraud.

  • Educate your employees about what workers compensation fraud is and the consequences.

  • Reinforce that employees are the real losers with fraud. If your premiums are sky high, you can't afford raises, bonuses and other incentives.

  • After an accident, refer the employee to your designated physician. Avoid "doctor shopping" by using a WCF preferred provider who understands work-related injuries without sacrificing quality medical care.

  • Interview the injured employee for details of the accident. Interview witnesses and get written statements. Pay attention to what other employees are saying to each other about the accident. Co-workers don't like to see an injured employee defraud the system while they work honestly.

  • Investigate the scene for facts that corroborate or contradict the employee's account of the accident, as well as witnesses' recounts.

  • Enforce drug testing. It is important to have a policy in place that requires screening after an accident

  • Watch for the red flags of possible fraud.

  • Stay in close contact with your injured employee. Contact makes an employee feel valuable, that someone cares. It also promotes an early return to work because they know their progress is being monitored.

  • Implement light and modified duty when possible. Bringing an employee back to work can reduce medical costs and increase communication.

  • Fill out, in detail, the Employer's First Report of Injury even if it requires using an extra page. You can communicate with your adjuster via email.

  • Report any concerns to your adjuster as soon as possible. With early intervention, information that could later be lost, forgotten or concealed is documented.

To report fraud, email stopfraud@wcfgroup.com or call the fraud hotline at 800.446.2667 ext. 8140. Reports are confidential. WCF does not have to reveal the source of any information that helps manage a claim or stop fraud.

Greg Summerhays is Director of Public Relations at Workers Compensation Fund. WCF offers ongoing safety training and UMA members are eligible for a 5% premium discount through a partnership with WCF. Visit www.wcfgroup.com for more information.

SUPERVISORY SKILLS PROGRAM -- 5-day Certificate Program - 9 Spots

RemainingTuesdays, April 5 - May 3, 2011 The Employers Council

This program is designed to provide participants with thorough knowledge of contemporary skills to be effective in the workplace. Our instructor, Dr. Brent Soffe, is an entertaining presenter who strongly encourages students to participate actively in individual and team assignments and demonstrate critical skills in the classroom. This sequential approach incorporating principles, skill practice, and on-the-job application is the most effective means for realizing a maximum return on training investment.

Overview of Topics Covered:

Core supervisory functions - planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling

Time management techniques

Elements of effective objectives and action plans

Essential communication and listening skills

Keys to organize and delegate work

Employee motivation principles

Methods to deal with employee performance problems and workplace conflicts

Operational basics - performance measurement, retention, controlling for quality, and team building

When: Tuesdays, April 5 - May 3, 2011 -- 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Location: SLCC, Miler Campus, 9750 S 300 W, Sandy, Utah

Cost: $649 per Council member student; $799 per Non-Council member student

To register, reply to this email or download and return the registration form at http://ecutah.org/ssp.pdf. Enrollment is limited to 30. Contact the Council office or reply to this email with any questions.

Certification: Participants who successfully complete the required course objectives will receive a certificate issued by The Employers Council.


Quick Manufacturing News CFOs are seeing solid signs of the economic recovery in U.S. manufacturing and planning more hiring and capital expenditures this year, according to Prime Advantage, a buying consortium for midsized industrial manufacturers. Click to continue


Quick Manufacturing News Concerns about global shortage of wafers after Japan quake Click to continue


Today in Manufacturing Halfway around the globe from Japan, engineers building a cutting-edge nuclear reactor along Finland's shores insist the same crisis couldn't happen here ... continue


Today in Manufacturing Beijing has issued new targets to curb carbon output and improve efficiency in using energy and water, state media reported Monday ... continue


Today in Manufacturing Commerce Department said consumer spending jumped 0.7 percent in February at the fastest pace in four months, but a big part of the increase went to cover higher gas prices ... continue

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