Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Posts for April 11, 2011

The Employers Council U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently created a new Employment Compliance Inspection Center. This center will provide key support to field offices around the country, to help expedite the Form I-9 audits of businesses selected for inspection. Form I-9 audits are one of the most powerful tools the federal government has to ensure that businesses are complying with the law. From fiscal year 2009 to date, ICE has initiated Form I-9 inspections against 3,769 businesses across the nation. Proactive employers should anticipate – and prepare for – more ICE inspection notices. We are here to help by providing internal audits of your I-9s. See the attached service flyer for details. Also attached is a handy I-9 Checklist from our I-9 Toolkit (available on the Members Only webpage).
Today in Manufacturing Making the site safe and removing the ruined equipment is going to be a messy ordeal that could take decades and cost hundreds of millions of dollars ... continue
Today in Manufacturing Foreign companies are buying significant shares of American drilling projects and making plans for facilities to liquify and ship more natural gas overseas ... continue
It has become an annual event for the UMA Environment Committee; meeting with the Executive Director of Utah Department of Environmental Quality and all the Division Directors at DEQ. In keeping with that tradition, the UMA Environment Committee met this morning in the law offices of Stoel Rives in SLC to discuss the recently completed legislative session and how it impacted DEQ. Normally, this meeting occurs before the legislative session each year, but scheduling problems prevented that this year and postponed the meeting until today. This has always been a very candid and open discussion of what is happening within DEQ and how that impacts industry in Utah. Discussions today focused on bills considered by the legislature in the environmental area. Amanda Smith, DEQ Executive Director, expressed to UMA for their help protecting the integrity of DEQ and for their efforts in applying the Lean/Six Sigma principles in the DEQ divisions. UMA also helped defeat an effort to consolidate DEQ with DNR, an ill-advised proposal that promised great savings to the state. Fiscal notes on bill during the session did not suggest any significant savings. To avoid conflicting schedules for the next scheduled meeting of DEQ with UMA to review the upcoming legislative session, the group set the next meeting for November 30, 2011.

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