Thursday, April 14, 2011

Posts for April 12, 2011

Today in Manufacturing A unique material tries to find its way into the hands of the brave rescue workers fighting to prevent Japan's nuclear crisis ... continue
Quick Manufacturing News Industry officials emphasize that the sector's recovery is still apparent in a 138.1% year-over-year increase in manufacturing technology consumption. Click to continue
Quick Manufacturing News 'These numbers are an indication that the economy is recovering and retailers are expecting continued increases in sales through the summer and beyond,' says Jonathan Gold, National Retail Federation. Click to continue
Quick Manufacturing News The full impact of the supply problems will start to be seen in the coming weeks as electronics and automakers use up the parts in stock and Japanese assembly lines remain idle or operate well below capacity, analysts say. Click to continue
Today in Manufacturing Gov. Jerry Brown plans to sign legislation that would require California utilities to get one-third of their power from renewable sources ... continue
Today in Manufacturing U.S. companies sold fewer products overseas in February but the trade deficit still narrowed because of a big decline in oil imports ... continue
EDCUtah While attendees were listening to Governor Gary Herbert's afternoon address during the recent Governor's Economic Summit, signs outside the grand ballroom at the Grand America Hotel read: "In Utah, we don't just play with outdoor products, we make them." {read more}

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