Monday, December 7, 2009

NAM Key Votes Against Permanent, High Estate Tax Rates

December 4, 2009

The House yesterday debated H.R. 4154, legislation that would make permanent the 2009 estate tax rate of 45 percent and the $3.5 million exemption. The vote yesterday that passed the House measure was to prevent the federal estate tax from expiring on December 31 and to permanently exempt couples with estates up to $7 million. The Senate has its own version they are expected to address before the end of the year. To be effective a reconciled bill must be passed by both houses and signed by the President before December 31.

The NAM has consistently supported efforts to either repeal or significantly reform the estate tax. In a key vote letter to all House offices, the NAM commended congressional “efforts to provide certainty by making the estate tax rates permanent, but reiterated that they do not view a 45 percent rate or an exemption that is not indexed to inflation as efforts that will achieve significant reform.” Click here to view the NAM's letter.

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